ExpertGPS Pro mapping software automatically converts Massachusetts Island FIPS 2002 coordinates to and from any other coordinate format or datum, including UTM, lat/lon, and other Massachusetts state plane coordinate formats, in NAD27, NAD83, and WGS84. ExpertGPS Pro instantly converts GIS shapefiles and CAD DXF drawings in Massachusetts state plane coordinates to and from UTM or lat-long.
MGRS/UTM/Latitude-Longitude Converter. Published by Leszek Pawlowicz in coordinate conversion and Google Earth. For converting to and from the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) and UTM/LatLong, the MGRS Conversion Utility from Mentor Software is a small utility (365kB download) which does only that. During installation, everything.
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- Convert coordinates from Geographic (latitude, longitude) to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system. Toggle navigation. Geo UTM to Geographic coordinates. A common choice of coordinates is latitude, longitude and elevation. Latitude (φ) is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point.
- Also, do you know that all of your lat-long coordinates fall with a single UTM zone? – Josh O'Brien Sep 5 '13 at 15:19 Well its not so much that the numbers don't work because Im not putting in numbers.
Massachusetts Island FIPS 2002 Geographic Coverage
Massachusetts Island covers these Massachusetts counties: Dukes, Nantucket
Working with Massachusetts Island State Plane Coordinates
The first step in working with or converting Massachusetts Island FIPS 2002 state plane coordinates in ExpertGPS is to add the appropriate coordinate format and datum for your project. On the Edit menu in ExpertGPS, click Preferences. Click on the My Coordinate Formats tab, and click the Add Format button.
In the Add Coordinate Format dialog, change the Location, on the left side of the dialog, to World/North America/United States/Massachusetts. A list of all of the coordinate formats used in Massachusetts will appear in the Format pane in the upper right. Select Massachusetts Island FIPS 2002, Meters, (or Feet, if you want to use US Survey Feet as the base unit). Now select NAD83 or NAD27 in the lower right pane, labelled Datum. (Note: WGS84 is identical to NAD83 in Massachusetts, so select the NAD 83 datum if you are trying to convert from WGS84 state plane coordinates.)
Converting MA Island to UTM

You can use ExpertGPS Pro as a Massachusetts state plane to UTM converter. Here's how to convert Massachusetts Island coordinates to UTM:
First, add the MA Island SPCS, as described above.
Enter your data in Massachusetts Island, paste it in from Excel, or import a shapefile or CAD drawing by clicking Import on the File menu. ExpertGPS Pro will convert your state plane coordinates and display them over a topo map or aerial photo of Massachusetts.
Now add the UTM coordinate format and datum of your choice by returning to the Add Coordinate Format dialog. When you select UTM in the My Coordinate Formats list, all of your data will instantly be reprojected from Massachusetts state plane to UTM.
You can now export the reprojected UTM data by clicking Export on the File menu, or copy and paste into a spreadsheet.
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Mass Conversion Of Utm To Lat Long Converter V1 0
Mass Conversion Of Utm To Lat Long Converter
How to Convert Massachusetts State Plane Coordinates to Lat / Long
Follow the instructions above, but instead of choosing UTM as your output format, choose one of ExpertGPS Pro's latitude and longitude formats. ExpertGPS can convert your Massachusetts Island coordinates to lat-lon in decimal degrees, degrees and minutes (deg min.min), or degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS). Windows Loader or windows 7 activator is the same tool that is used to activate Windows 7 all versions such as Home, Professional, and many more which I will add in supported Windows Section.It is the best tool to activate your windows fast and easily.
New features were added to ExpertGPS on August 28, 2019
ExpertGPS runs on Windows 10, 8.1, and 7.
Sending Massachusetts Island coordinates to your Garmin or Magellan GPS
Your GPS receiver can't display your location using the US state plane coordinate system, but you can use ExpertGPS Pro to send X,Y points or polyline data from your GIS or CAD software to your GPS receiver. Import or enter your data as described above. There's no need to select an output format like UTM or lat/long, unless you want ExpertGPS to display the same values that will be displayed on your GPS. Just click Send to GPS on the GPS menu. ExpertGPS will reproject the Eastings and Northings in your Massachusetts Island coordinates into the native format used by your GPS receiver, and upload them directly to the GPS. Now you can view all of your GIS or CAD data in the field on any Garmin, Magellan, Lowrance, or Eagle GPS!
Viewing Massachusetts Island State Plane GIS Data in Google Earth
Another option you have once you've imported GIS or CAD data in MA Island SPCS into ExpertGPS is to convert it to KML or view it directly in Google Earth. To convert state plane to KML, simply click Export on the File menu, and select the Google Earth KML file type. If you just want to view your MA Island SPCS data in Google Earth, simply press F7, the View in Google Earth command in ExpertGPS.
Using ExpertGPS as a UTM to Massachusetts Island Converter
Add the UTM coordinate format to ExpertGPS, and then import or enter your UTM data. To convert UTM to state plane, add and select the Massachusetts SPCS, as described above, and your UTM Northings and Eastings will be converted to state plane coordinates.
Converting lat/lon or GPS data to Massachusetts Island
Batch Convert Utm To Lat Long Excel
Use the technique above to convert latitude and longitude data to Massachusetts Northings and Eastings. To convert Garmin, Magellan, or Lowrance GPS waypoints or tracks to Massachusetts Island state plane is even easier - just click Receive from GPS. ExpertGPS Pro automatically reprojects your GPS data into whatever coordinate format you select: Massachusetts state plane, UTM, or lat/long. You can then export your reprojected data into a GIS in shapefile format, export a DXF for your CAD software, or copy and paste into Excel or a CSV file.
How to Display Massachusetts Island Coordinates on your GPS
Most handheld GPS receivers can't display Massachusetts state plane coordinates natively. But if you've got an older Magellan GPS receiver that allows you to set up a User Grid (check your GPS manual for compatibility), you can use the settings for the Massachusetts Island Transverse Mercator projection listed below to trick your GPS into displaying Massachusetts coordinates in meters. On Magellan GPS receivers, go to the SETUP screen, and then click COORD SYSTEM, PRIMARY, USER GRID. If you want to use US Survey Feet instead of Meters, click UNITS TO METERS CONV and enter 0.30480061.
Massachusetts Island FIPS 2002 Parameters (NAD83 Datum)
Deg Min.Min | Decimal Degrees | |
Central Meridian | -70° 30' | -70.50° |
Latitude of Origin | 41° 00' | 41.00° |
Standard Parallel #1 | 41° 17' | 41.28° |
Standard Parallel #2 | 41° 29' | 41.48° |
False Easting | 500000 meters | |
False Northing | 0 meters |
Massachusetts Island uses a Lambert Projection.
Mass Conversion Of Utm To Lat Long Conversion
Download ExpertGPS Pro: your Massachusetts Island State Plane Converter
ExpertGPS makes it easy to convert coordinates to and from lat/lon, UTM, Massachusetts Island, and other Massachusetts state plane coordinate formats. In addition to batch coordinate conversion, ExpertGPS Pro is the perfect tool for combining data from your handheld GPS receiver with your GIS and CAD layers. Visualize all of your data over USGS topo maps, aerial photos, and your own site maps. Download your free trial of ExpertGPS Pro now!

New features were added to ExpertGPS on August 28, 2019
ExpertGPS runs on Windows 10, 8.1, and 7.
I am trying to run a species distribution model and need to create background points to run my logistic regression model. I have just created 500 randomPoints but they are in UTM coordinates and I need lat and long. Is there a way to convert them to lat and long in R? If so, can you share the code with me? I am fairly new to R. Thanks!
1 Answer
If you need long/lat you should probably generate the random points using that coordinate reference system. But otherwise, create a SpatialPoints object and use spTransform. That is, do something like this (replace the ???):
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