Autocad Rotate Reference

Autocad Rotate Reference

There may be a time when you need to rotate objects to create better drawings. AutoCAD to the rescue! The ROtate command in AutoCAD 2014 pivots objects around a point that you specify. Follow these simple steps to use the ROtate command:

  1. Press Esc to make sure that no command is active and no objects are selected.

  2. Click the Rotate button on the Home tab’s Modify panel, or enter RO and press Enter.

  3. Select one or more objects and then press Enter to end object selection.

    AutoCAD prompts you for the base point for rotating the selected objects:

  4. Specify a base point by clicking a point or typing coordinates.

    The base point becomes the point around which AutoCAD rotates the objects. You also have to specify a rotation angle:

  5. Online 3d fighting games free play now. Specify a rotation angle by one of these methods:

    • Type an angle measurement and press Enter.

    • Press Enter to accept the default value shown in angle brackets (which is the last-used value).

    • Click a point onscreen.

    Alternatively, you can indicate an angle on the screen by moving the crosshairs until the Coordinates section of the status bar indicates the desired angle and then clicking. If you choose this alternative, use Ortho mode or Polar Tracking mode to indicate a precise angle (for example, 90 or 45 degrees) or an object snap to rotate an object so that it aligns precisely with other objects.

    Positive angle values rotate objects counterclockwise (counter to what you might expect), and negative values rotate them clockwise. For example, entering 270 degrees or –90 degrees produces the same result, making objects point “down.”

    After you specify the rotation angle by typing or picking, AutoCAD rotates the objects into their new positions. The ROtate command’s Copy option makes a rotated copy while leaving the source object in place.

Active2 years, 8 months ago

I want to create a simple 'rotate' command with AutoLisp, so this is the code I wrote:

Frequent tipster Leonid Nemirovsky shares a tip about using the Align command in AutoCAD to rescale and rotate an object. 'Rescaling a block or selected entities is easy with the Scale command and the Reference option — everybody remembers that. If you’d like to experiment with the Rotate Reference option, we’ve provided a sample file that you can use called rotatereference.dwg. Publisher Information. This is a short excerpt from the Mastering AutoCAD 2018 and AutoCAD LT 2018 student guide from WILEY, an Autodesk Authorized. To Rotate an Object to a Specified Angle: At the command line, enter rotate. On the object you want to rotate, select the Base point. (In the following example, the angle on the left is 23 degrees, and the angle on the right is 0 degrees.) Enter ref (Reference) and select the endpoint of the line you want to rotate.

I insert two points, p1 and p2 and create a line which connects them. After that I create the ss1 object which is the line p1-p2. Finally I attempt to rotate the line from base point p2 for 90 degrees.

I insert the code in AutoCad, but instead of creating the rotated line, it asks to insert manually the base point as well as the angle, so I guess that there is a problem with the command 'rotate' .. line.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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2 Answers

From what I've seen online, you have two problems.

ROTATE does not take a selection set but an entity name
Missing an extra ' before the rotation point.

Rotate Using Reference In Autocad

Reference: AutoLISP: Rotate Multiple Objects Around Their Base Point

As a side note, it usually helps me to try the command manually to make sure you are responding to all the correct prompts with the correct data/values.

24.7k7 gold badges54 silver badges75 bronze badges

I would suggest the following simplified code:

This accounts for null user input at the prompts, uses a rubber-band for the second point prompt, allows for active Object Snap modes when supplying the point arguments to the commands (through the use of '_non'), and also allows for non-English versions of AutoCAD (through the use of an underscore), and potentially redefined commands (through the use of the '.' command prefix).

This could be further improved by temporarily setting the CMDECHO system variable to 0 to suppress command-line echoing.

Lee Mac

Autocad Rotate Copy Reference

Lee Mac
10.1k6 gold badges17 silver badges56 bronze badges

Autocad Rotate Reference Angle

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